Thursday, 21 May 2009

wtf?! adam LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gah!!!! I am so furious I feel like inventing a biological weapon to attack the american idol voters.. I give them a round of boo and kicks!!! there u go.. The only thing about inventing a biological weapon is that I have to be good in chemistry and bio (nooo!) which I am sadly not an expert off!! That pisses me off more.. -sigh- Ok, so boo hoo... Adam lost and Kris the 'I dunno why u won' won d contest which further proves my personal view of how idiotic the Americans can be.. Except for Obama.. xp

Well, it has been widely-spread on the net that Adam probably lost because he's gay... =.= Ok, how stupid is that? Talent has nothing to do with ur sexuality u homophobes! grr... I swear, I am not saying this coz I'm a yaoi fan but coz he's so fucking talented! Yet people vote for Kris (out of all people) who can't even reach the high notes and literally died at the concert yesterday.. =.= My kak leen is so not into gays ( she keeps calling em fags.. evil!) but she loves Adam Lambert anyway! coz u know, if u love rock u love adam.. if u don't like good music u like kris, it's kinda like that.. XD

Whatever.. I do know that Adam is my fashion icon!! woo hoo hot emo guy!! n that I will definitely buy his album! go u hot rock god! ;p so kris, I hope u will be forgotten and short-lived.. lol.. i'm evil.. nah, I'm not angry with Kris, I'm angry with the voters!! what are u guys doin, thinking with ur knees?! grrr...

so pics for evry1 to c... of adam n chris! adam is so hawt.. n oh my gosh... I saw a pic of him kissing a guy... n............. >.< it's hot! lol.. I won't show it here though!

Kris Allen, American Idol Winner: Yippee! -insert sarcastic tone-

Adam Lambert, Runner-up, Hottest Guy on Earth, and Rock God! -passionate tone lol-

I luv how Adam brings himself, the presence he has on stage, his incredible high range of vocals and (lol) how he dresses up as well as his hair! xp I swear, he has the best hair on A.I ever seen!! xp or mayb I juz like emo men?! heh..


I know Adam will make it BIG one day!